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MeshAnalysisTool Methods

The MeshAnalysisTool type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeinitialize
Deinitializes the tool.
Protected methodDrawMesh(Mesh, Vector3, Quaternion, Material, Int32)
Draws the submesh in mesh analysis window.
Protected methodDrawMesh(Mesh, Vector3, Quaternion, Vector3, Material, Int32)
Draws the submesh in mesh analysis window.
Protected methodDrawMeshes
Draws additional meshes in a mesh analysis window.
Public methodDrawOverlay
Draws a new GUI layer over the main layer in the mesh analysis window.
Public methodDrawOverlayGUI
Draws a last GUI layer over the main and the first layer in the mesh analysis window.
Public methodDrawToolbar
Draws the toolbar GUI.

The method invoked in a GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[]) scope.

Public methodInitialize
Initializes the tool for the specified Mesh.
Protected methodSetToolName
Changes a name of the tool.
See Also